Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Syfy channel's "The Expanse"

I have now watched the pilot episode of The Expanse about 4 times. It's a SyFy original TV show based on the series of speculative-future, hard(ish)-SF books by James S.A. Corey collectively known by the same title.

Season 1 will deal with events from books 1 and 2, by the looks of things: "Leviathan Wakes" and "Caliban's War".

What did I think?

OMG you guise! I LOVED it. :D

Check out the awesome main title sequence:

And the trailer:

I've been reading a lot of hard-SF books lately - Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy and associated books, most notably. I saw the above trailer last year, and got super-excited, so I immediately bought and read Leviathan Wakes.

Given that I went in with the trailer images in my head, it's hardly surprising that the pilot episode "Ducilinea" nailed my expectations in the looks department - but I have been thrilled by the cast's realisation of the characters, and the competence and confidence of the writing. The universe felt thoroughly established from moment one.

The part that buzzed me the most - and I suspect is highly important to visitors to this particular blog - is how much attention and detail was lavished on the depiction of Variable Gravity and Momentum. It's by no means perfect, but the amount of effort and artistry expended to depict everything between high-G and no-G is magnificent. There's a space manoeuvre in there that in other shows would be a line of dialogue, but in this is one of the most epic and thrilling space sequences I've ever seen on TV. Just amazing.

The pilot is available to stream online in the US and Canada now:

The rest of us have to... "get creative".

The next episode is out on December 15th, the night after the TV premiere of the pilot. It sucks to have to wait so long, because this first one was utterly sublime, in my view.

What did you guys think?

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

My thoughts on the new Trek series announcement...

So, there's a new Star Trek series in the works over at CBS...

What will it be about?

Star Trek, in its early days, always excelled at re-imagining our Earthly issues, social and political, as challenges faced by our characters on alien worlds and within the Federation. At times, it was radical and almost subversive.

While the series of the '80s, '90s, and the naughties were generally written to a much higher standard, and often provided social or moral commentary on various issues of the day, the hard-edged daring that defined The Original Series (that and the copious cheese) was increasingly absent.

The world feels morally disoriented lately. Maybe that's something every generation thinks about the world as they age, but If you want a radical theme for the new Star Trek show, something topical, then how about ambiguity?

Friend? Foe? Neither? ...Why?

DS9 tackled some of this ambiguity with Changeling infiltrations and religious extremism. It occasionally seems almost prescient when you re-watch it these days!
I'm not suggesting we look for more of the same, but the current global political landscape offers many opportunities to dust off Star Trek's old social commentary mirror, and expand upon DS9's rich and textured groundwork:

Europe is facing a tide of refugees and immigrants from the Middle East, composed of desperate, decent people struggling tooth and nail to find a safe haven in the EU. They're running from opposing forces of tyranny and cult-exploitation, or just from the all-encompassing destruction between those forces.
The welcome they find here is limited - they're treated with suspicion for many reasons:
They're desperate - will they turn to crime?
They're running from radicalisation - have some of them been turned? Will they kill us if we take them in?
They're educated - might they have a hidden agenda?

Meanwhile the strife they're running from is a cesspool of competing corporate and political interests, many of which have environmental ramifications that are exacerbating the whole situation.

Imagine re-casting this real-world situation as the fallout of the Dominion War, or (cringe) the destruction of Romulus... or both.

The Federation, structurally, is much more like the EU in this situation, and would continue to serve as an aspirational society - though flawed. They would be the ones dealing with the moral dilemma of how to accommodate the displaced hordes of Cardassians, Romulans, and Gamma Quadrant species.

The Cardassian Union would make multiple attempts to create a lasting government, but repeatedly fall to internal struggles.

They, together with the Dominion would be like the Assad and Murzi regimes, desperately trying to hang onto control as their empires crumble. Initially the Dominion would be hit by a popular uprising applauded by the Alpha Quadrant powers, but some new group rising within the influx would represent ISIS, and start to co-opt the uprising to try to secure its own foothold.

Leaderless, structure-loving Romulans would cast around for whomever they could install as a leader, but unused to the nomadic lifestyle thrust upon them, and unable to contend with the uprisings on vassal worlds throughout the former empire, they fracture into multiple factions, some seeking Federation aid.

All of this would place a strain on the Federation, with border worlds beset by resource shortages and bottlenecks in the refugee trail emerging everywhere. Tensions between member worlds would rise, but I'd rather the Federation weather the storm. Star Trek exists to show us the most righteous way to deal with our problems. That's what it has always set out to do.

This might be controversial, but I think it would be interesting to turn the traditional Trek political analogy on its head, and have the Klingons fulfil some of the unsavoury roles that the US has had in the last couple of decade's events.

They should be the ones who suffer a 9/11-style atrocity, and then use it as an excuse to start a proxy war that's really about Dilithium or labor. The Federation has been ignoring some of the uglier traits of Klingon culture for decades, but events will conspire to force the UFP to either call them out, or tacitly permit immoral behaviour.
Their warp engines are damaging subspace, and they're waging war to continue mining the Kovenium Monotserite and dilithium that continue that process. Meanwhile, an enormous cultural bias against scientific advancement (There's no honour in being a nerd), and a general incompatibility with Federation tech stalls any move away from that dependency, and they maintain a misplaced pride in the fact that their primitive technology allowed the allies to circumvent the Dominion's Breen advantage in the war.

The Klingons would retain the sympathetic regard we've built up for them over the last 16 seasons of 24th century TV, in that many of them would be fine people, but the Federation public would have to deal with the uncomfortable truth of how the Klingon government conducts itself in war, occupation, and intelligence.

...So, that would set the stage. Then the writers come in and depict the heroes of the Federation, their Klingon allies, and the decent folk among the disadvantaged masses doing the right thing, and resolving the situation as peacefully as possible

Perhaps that's the perspective that's been missing from Trek - they need to stop trying to make the Federation be the US. It used to be the aspirational goal for the US, but America has shifted away from that path, and perhaps it's time for a foreign perspective. The Federation is the EU, and the Klingons are the US... everyone else is just trying to pick themselves up... know... in a lot of ways, that fits like a glove!

Now, I don't expect this idea to be anywhere near the mark - for one thing, I figure 24th century Trek is done-for, thanks to the healthy profits turned by the lowest-common-denominator schtick of the Abrams films. The new series is being produced by Alex Kurtzman, co-writer of the 2009 'Star Trek' film, a core member of JJ Abrams' creative team and seated on their self-styled "Supreme Court Of Trek". Dollars-to-donuts, the series will be set in that continuity. It could still be an entertaining and valuable contribution to the canon, but with the foundation of those movies under it, it's an unstable start to say the least.

So this post is little more than a thought experiment, but a fun one at that. I actually came up with the idea as a thought experiment a few days before the announcement of the new shows.

The Star Trek "lit-verse" of Pocket Books novels has apparently provided a consistent continuation of the 24th century universe left behind in the wake of Voyager, incorporating many of the same elements I've used here, but I haven't read them, so I don't know how that cocktail turned out.

End Transmission.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Untitled SETI Story - Part III

Madeleine Browne smoothed out the freshly-printed press-package on her desk.
"And how did you get my direct number?"
She was just finishing the press conference announcement for the SETI website when the phone had rung.


Specifically someone named Julie Shin at the National Astrobiology Institute. Somehow she had caught wind of the goings on in Puerto Rico before the press. She knew someone in Heliophysics at Goddard who knew somebody on something called RAGSS at Arecibo who knew somebody working for SETI there... probably this intern, Daisy Tobin. Word gets around. Someone in the NAI Press Office had had dealings with her, and he gave her the number. Matt Brinker, probably - he was the SETI attaché to the NAI.

This would be the first of many calls - and they'd get increasingly impolite as the story gained traction. Maddy had been a press officer for a dozen different non-profits, each more "fringe" than the last, and she'd been through this circus too many times to count. Luckily this was just a personal-interest call.

"The watch-word is patience and restraint. We need to confirm this with as many different instruments as possible, and then set about analysing the signal to confirm artificiality."

The same note of caution was re-stated the next day in front of a roomful of gathered journos - from science magazines, websites, a few newspaper sci correspondents, two TV news stations, and as many wing-nut conspiracy sites as you could shake a stick at. Not a great showing for what could-be-but-likely-wasn't the Greatest Discovery In The History Of HumankindTM, but a respectably full room, given the short notice.

"SETI's Allen Telescope Array in California is currently undergoing an upgrade, but has been partially brought back online to provide more detailed analysis of the signal." She gulped. "NASA have - incredibly generously - offered to attempt to detect the signal with a number of their outer-Solar-System assets, namely New Horizons and the Voyagers. We cannot express our gratitude enough, as this will help to pin down the distance to the signal source via triangulation."

"So, to reiterate: The signal has been constantly transmitting on a tight-band frequency for at least the last 3 days. The signal strength is pulsing in a mathematically complex pattern that is unlikely to be naturally-ocurring. All man-made sources have been effectively ruled out. We're keeping the location of the source on the sky on a need-to-know basis for now, but that will change - SETI has always valued the contribution of citizen scientists."

Maddy gripped the sides of the podium and straightened up.
"Any questions?"

Untitled SETI story - part II

Carlton finished logging the data from the night's addition to the Radio Astronomy G-type Star Survey. RAGSS wasn't the most glamorous acronym, but he was glad to be working on a project that helped to characterise the Sun in comparison to its stellar brethren, and glad to be able to use the famous Arecibo "chum-bowl in the Jungle".
That nickname needs work - I better not say it out loud.
RAGSS was able to use this prestigious facility by the happy coincidence that they were interested in almost exactly the same set of stars that SETI liked to repeatedly survey, and that they were using a completely different set of electromagnetic frequencies to do so. RAGSS's PI Doctor Ortega would have liked to go star-to-star at a faster clip than SETI, but as a serendipitous alignment of interests between the now-wealthy Alien-Seekers and a tiny, under-funded, but respected graduate school in Philadelphia, they were slaved to SETI's will - and SETI figured ET would need at least 15 minutes-per-star-per-month to let itself be known.

Carlton smiled as he packed up his laptop and breezed out the door. He always liked to drop by the SETI shack when Daisy was on duty and try to cheer her up - she wasn't the most talkative intern, but she was cute and nerdy, and nowhere near as intimidatingly different as the local Puerto Rican girls. He liked to think she enjoyed his visits, despite herself.

The cheesiest grin he could muster plastered his jowly face as he knocked on the door.

"Carlton?! Come in! Look at this!" came the muffled but alert voice from the other side of the door.
That's unusually perky for Daisy...
The door was ripped open by a wide-eyed Daisy. "I think I've actually got a candidate!"
Carlton spread his arms demonstratively and dropped the line he'd been preparing.
"From RAGSS to riches!"
No effect.
That was terrible. Really awful. I mean, accurate, but in-poor-taste, and just terrible. Stop smiling, Carlton.
Luckily, Daisy hadn't seemed to hear him. "LOOK!" she implored, pointing at her laptop.

One half of the screen was a 3D signal attenuation graph, and the left hand side showed the familiar raw detector feed alphanumeric grid on the top half, and a similar drizzle-feed of frequency distributions. Each display was synced, and repeating a 30-second loop of recorded data.
A high-strength signal bubbled onto the upper left of the grid, pulsed rythmically across the field, the counter reset, and the playback started again. The frequency distribution graph showed activity confined to one vertical bar, and the 3D graph... looked pretty provocative.

Carlton's ample jaw succumbed to gravity.
"Is this real-time?"
"A comsat."
"No, look at the slew-rate."
"A geostationary comsat."
"No! look at the pointing!"
"Ok... you need more eyes on this. Have you called your boss?" He looked at her expectantly, totally not thinking about how hot she was when gripped by scientific awe.

She gulped, reaching for her phone. "I really don't want to be wrong."

Part III 

Untitled SETI story - Part I

Daisy rubbed her eyes and flicked at the red straw loitering against the rim of her tumbler of coke-and-meltwater. It made a full round of the glass, perturbing the last rounded remnants of the ice. The meager sighs of the beverage's expended effervescence underlined the monotony of her life recently.

Six weeks in Puerto Rico. 'Woohoo', right?

She was not the easily-jaded type, but after a month's worth of 8-hour shifts of doing basically-nothing, she was sick of the heat, sick of the view, sick of Carlton's painful attempts at conversation, and sick of closing her eyes to see a burned-in grid of negative-colour zeroes - the aggregate effect of zoning out while staring at a raw output terminal at 3am in the morning on an intern posting with SETI.

A beep from her terminal followed by a deep bass judder through the floor of her little perch overlooking the dish signified a scheduled target change, and the engagement of huge winches to tug the enormous feedhorn assembly to a new position. The cables twanged and popped and resonated with the strain. That, at least, was something that still amused her.

She glanced at the clock. 6:57am. One more hour before day shift and bed. She zoned out as the familiar otherworldy hum-and-zott of motor-and-cable continued. Some zeroes near the edge of the grid bubbled into higher numbers. It barely registered with her. The ball of undulating numbers cleared the edge of the grid and crossed the centre, some of the centre-most digits transitioning to letters after hitting 9. Daisy scratched her nose absent-mindedly.
The vertical centre line of digits on the grid briefly read
The happenstance sparked recognition in her, and she glanced momentarily at the framed image on the wall - those same digits on a printout, circled in red pen, with "WOW!" written in excited penmanship in the margin.

Still, she was unmoved, beyond appreciating the coincidence - after all, it simply represented a spike in signal strength on the feedhorn - measured 1-9, then A-Z for easy reading. ASCII output. Old-school.

This was Arecibo, SETI, no fancy 3D signal attenuation graphs here, baby. The mid-nineties was as advanced as the in-situ equipment got, at least in SETI's on-site shack. Newer and better ears the world-over were listening to the cosmos on behalf of the usual retinue of Ivy-Leagues and Institutes of Technology, and thanks to an investment fad among the Silicon Valley Billionaire pack, SETI was now well-funded enough to outbid the small-fries and nearly monopolise Arecibo full-time.

The recurrence of the famous "WOW!" pattern was of course a red herring, a not-entirely-unlikely confluence in the data, and gone amid the constantly-shifting values in the blink of an eye.
It had spiked her attention, though. There was a signal, for sure - but that was hardly unusual.
Probably a satellite, she mused, watching the blob continue to pulse as it slowly slid across the detector grid. They caught comsats several times a night, the odd civvie aircraft would blink through, and occasionally a terrestrial signal reflected off a passing LEO object.
Comsats stick pretty close to the equator, planes and LEO sats are faster, and reflections are never this strong
She glanced at the feedhorn pointing read-out. Nowhere near the equator. She whipped out her phone, unlocked it, and tapped into the Sat-Pass app to see what was passing over her at that moment... a couple of spent rocket stages and a Russia Geo-science bird... but nothing in the track the telescope was slewing through...

The blob slid off the screen. The groan-and-womp of the slewing mechanisms ceased, and the subtle hum of the star-tracking motors kicked in as the great dish found its scheduled target and settled in for a quarter hour of uneventful observation.

She sighed and sat back in the creaky chair.

Daisy. You're not going to find a signal from the great beyond at 7am while strung-out on caffeine and high-fructose corn syrup.

She rubbed her itchy eyelashes again - the ever-present grid behind her eyelids flaring red with the pressure. Her mind overlaid an impression of the signal, unbidden. There had been a rythm to the pulsations.

Atmospheric scintillation? ...maybe... just a bit too rythmic, though...
A Pulsar? No... none in that part of the sky.
She had the locations of every notable pulsar in Arecibo's swathe of the heavens memorised by this point. She knew there weren't any new ones because stars exploding violently in the night sky are kind of hard-to-miss. For a SETI observer, seeing a pulsar transit the screen pipping off millisecond-perfect radio spikes could be momentarily thrilling, but mislea - hang on...
this signal had transited the field just like a pulsar, or a geostationary comsat.

It's stationary in the sky, relative to the stars... it's coming from Out There...

Part II

Saturday, 26 September 2015

MOVIE REVIEW: Ridley Scott's The Martian (Spoiler free)

I was lucky enough to win a pair of tickets to the Irish premiere of The Martian thanks to Astronomy Ireland.

Having read the superb, compelling, funny, and unapologetically-technical-but-amazingly-digestible novel by Andy Weir, I was hotly anticipating the film. I'm normally extremely shy of spoilers leading up to a film, but with all indications pointing to a very faithful adaptation by Ridley Scott, my familiarity with the story dispelled any such trepidation.
So I watched everything.

With each new trailer and promotional tie-in, my cautious optimism increased: Would this finally be a film that reveled in scientific literacy in a light, upbeat manner?! Whole tranches of dialogue were liberated right from the pages, and with every successive image in the trailers, it was like viewing a recorded compilation of my own mental images from reading the book... with a heavy heap of Hollywood gloss, of course.

As the release date approached, the media juggernaut rumbled on. I watched the book's subreddit swell with glowing reviews from sources personal and professional.

NASA, spying an opportunity to curry some additional goodwill, wisely convened joint press conferences, seating real live astronauts with the likes of Weir, Scott, and lead actor Matt Damon.
And so, it all culminated at the Savoy theatre on O'Connell Street at 7 pm on the 24th of September 2015.

My friend and I arrived, immediately engulfed by a throng of people. There was a red carpet, promotional decor (including a prop surface excursion helmet from the film), and hilariously well-chosen mood music playing. On our way to the cinema, we had spied a BBC news broadcast in a bar reporting live on the London premiere of the film... Attended by the entire cast... Meaning they were not in Dublin!

As it was, the most notable personality I spotted was the wonderfully avid space enthusiast and journalist Leo Enright, familiar to me from just about every notable space mission press conference I've ever watched. From Curiosity to Rosetta, the man gets around! I would have loved to speak to him, but he was busily chatting to someone else.

His presence was not his only contribution to the evening, however, as we discovered upon taking our seats.

The film was preceded, as people filed into the grand (and thematically named) IMC Galactic auditorium, by a slideshow of images from The real-life Martian, NASA JPL's Curiosity rover. Some images were less than 24 hours old, processed by Leo Enright himself, depicting rover's current environs in the foothills of Mount Sharp in Gale Crater, Curiosity's home for the last three years.
With the place filled to capacity, the lights dimmed, and the screen filled with literal and figurative stars.

While he's never lost his mastery over visuals, I have not been impressed with legendary director Ridley Scott's recent efforts, so there was still some part of me waiting for the other shoe to drop after The Martian's well-pitched marketing campaign.
After so thoroughly enjoying the book, and sharing that enjoyment with my ten year old nephew (he devoured the novel in a matter of days), I had a sizeable emotional investment in the characters and the story. I was fearful of a repeat of Scott's last big space adventure, Prometheus - a film that looked astonishing, but played out like the script had fallen into a blender.

I need not have worried.

If you're familiar with the story of Andy Weir's book, let me just say that there is a special thrill to be had in witnessing something you hold dear being done such justice.

If you're not (as was my friend - in contrast to myself, he had seen little more than a few scene-setting promo videos), everything that keeps people turning pages in the book is effectively translated to the screen.

The film takes itself seriously, but by the nature of the characters humour occurs seemingly spontaneously, and I found myself creasing with laughter on several occasions.

The opening moments threw me a little by differing in presentation from the book, but after a few short moments, I developed a Cheshire cat grin that scarcely departed aside from moments of wincing empathic pain, dramatic tension or simple, reverent awe at the beauty of the vistas before me.

Matt Damon was set a herculean task in embodying Mark Watney, the loneliest person in history. Damon is a capable actor, but Watney carries the plot, commanding well over half of the screentime solo.

Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield wrote in detail in his Astronaut's Guide To Life On Earth about the philosophical shift that comes with astronaut training. The methodical, logical manner of thinking that these professionals in life threatening and immediate situations rely upon to come out the other side.

That "right stuff" is present in spades in Damon's Watney, but so too - straight from the page - is his sardonic, cutting wit, near-boundless positivity and resourcefulness, and his genuine awe-fueled enthusiasm for his happenstance position in the universe. These moments come off as tender, honest, and breathtaking, and make full use of Scott's visual prowess, serving up grand, crater-pocked landscapes, steely cold skies scudded by high altitude clouds - and never too long a wait for Phobos or Deimos to pass unassumingly overhead in the distance.

In fact, from stark, elegant spacecraft, and rich, succulently-detailed orbital views of Earth and Mars, to NASA's Epcot-inspired installations and the cramped, cluttered college dorm aesthetic of JPL, the film is not short on visual artistry.

While Damon carries off his isolation as seemingly-effortlessly as Watney, the rest of the sizeable cast divide into two ensembles and play off each other beautifully. In fact, to single anyone out is to do an injustice to the others, though Daniels, Glover, Bean, Mara, Ejiofor, and Davis all get their chances to shine.
That I spent the last few minutes editing that list of names repeatedly speaks to how strong every link in this chain is...

...It also speaks to the egalitarian nature of the script!
For a film about isolation, there is an even hand played to each character, allowing everyone some measure of depth and development.

Of course, in any adaptation, there are changes wrought.
The labyrinthine plot of the book is straightened in some sections - parts are left out here and there, but never in a way that damages the consistency of the overall story or significantly alters its central themes. In a few areas, characters are gifted new scenes, and the opportunity for growth is never wasted. Some of the funniest parts of the movie are moments that weren't in the (extremely amusing) novel.

Conversely, some of the funniest moments in the book don't make it into the film - though one priceless stream of consciousness from Mark is faithfully repurposed in one of the promo tie-ins.

If I had one issue with the film's presentation, it would be the 3D implementation. It may have been our choice of seating, close to the screen, but the depth in a lot of scenes didn't really seem to tally with the footage it was applied to, leading me to suspect a somewhat botched post-conversion to 3D. The alignment seemed so far off that it created the optical illusion of mountains and rocks twisting and bending unnaturally in certain scenes... It could be mildly distracting.

Lastly, as a recurring member of Astronomy Ireland and a space geek, it's gratifying to see a film getting so much right from that scientific perspective. In recent years we've been increasingly spoiled on that front, with Gravity nailing the free floating ballet of microgravity, and Interstellar succeeding where Gravity failed in orbital mechanics (and in GLORIOUSLY using general relativity as an incredibly emotional driver of the plot).
 As befits a film adapted from a book by a guy who wrote his own simulation software to account for the effects of long-duration ion engine burns (as opposed to the more easily-calculated staccato burns of chemical rockets), there are no glaring errors in the treatment of distance, thrust, relative velocity, or signal delay in The Martian.
I had to scratch my head at one or two scenes where the ships engines seemed to be pointing away from the destination during supposed deceleration burns, but I can rationalise that as some kind of framing or compositional quirk I didn't immediately cogitate.

In reference to Gravity, that film's sound design was a marvel (sound was only transmitted through contact with the characters' space suits), but no such attempt at auditory realism was made here - action in space and on Mars'surface is as deep and as loud as it would be on Earth (so much so that I'm beginning to suspect that it was entirely filmed here!).
Similarly, although much is made in the dialogue of Mars' atmosphere's remarkable thinness, the wind howls, flaps 'pressurised' hab canvas, and causes people to lean into it to make progress at times.
And for that matter, there are very few instances where Mars' 0.38g surface gravity becomes apparent.

However what we have here is a gorgeously shot, immersively acted, cleverly scripted piece of top notch drama.
It could have been a brainless action fest.
It could have been a depressing critique on the follies of human ambition.
It could have been a psychological horror on the spectre of living with only your own thoughts to accompany you...

... But it's not.

What it is, is a love letter to exploration, to determination, to persistent positivity, to resourcefulness. It's an affirmation that what we astronomers do is part of a push towards space exploration that is going to define this century for the rest of human history...

And its a really bloody good film!

Thank you, Astronomy Ireland, for the opportunity to see it so soon - it was damn worthwhile.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Untitled Story part 4

Lydia was about to issue her customary reprimand about the pressure-seal to the bridge having been left open when she remembered that she had been the last one through. Lukazj was floating along the shaft behind her, with Marta emerging through the aft hatch.

Most of the debris in the mid-ship shaft had settled, only the few larger chunks retaining any kinetic energy in the face of the air-resistance, so as the crew sailed through, they were uncaringly pinging little flecks of spaceship out of their path.

Marta had avoided looking at the red-smeared lab door as she passed it. She awkwardly pawed the wall for stability as she pulled on a distressed grey and blue NASA t-shirt and tied the drawstrings on her hastily-donned blue sweatpants. She looked like a college student taking a lazy day - her hair an unkempt afro, her low-effort attire already-worn, stained, and poked by the absence of her usual sports bra. Bracken wasn't a stickler for professionalism at all times - you couldn't be, on a voyage like this, but Marta was perhaps the most fastidious crewmember when it came to her appearance... I guess these are unprofessional times. Lukazj was the best-presented of them. He looks like his official portrait Lydia thought, considering her own disshevelled, bloodied, and patched appearance as they took their stations and strapped into the g-seats.

"Marta, I want you to run over the system logs for the Q-ring and fusion reactor 1." Marta, in the port-facing crew seat, started rattling away on the keyboard by way of acknowledgement.
"Lukazj, see if you can get navigation to make sense, and bring the cold-gas thrusters online, just in case this has something to do with the EM-RCS." as she spoke, she kept her focus on her controls, running her fingers over the panel in front of her, everything much more familiar now.

"I'll open the blue-shade."
The sequence was already in motion, and with that statement, she hit return.

There was a clank, a judder, and an electronic squawk as a red-rimmed error message flashed up on her screen. The motors had all drawn too much voltage.

The Blue-shade petals were designed to protect the cabin occupants from the intense broad-spectrum radiation that the forward lobe of the warp bubble blue-shifted up from the cosmic microwave background radiation. All forward-facing surfaces of the ship were armored against it, and the blue-shade was a series of hinged flaps of composite materials that closed over the windows.

The others looked up expectantly at the noise.

Lydia glanced at the friction-welded Earth-Elapsed Time rollers - still not ready to work that into her thinking... except...
"Lukazj, what do the radiation-shield temperature sensors say?"

He tapped his touch panel a few times.
"Huh! We've been out of warp for over an hour, but it's still hot enough to sear a steak on! This should have dissipated ages ago!"

"Check the log." she continued steadily.

He was already bringing it up. He sagged.
"...Of course - I should really have expected this. The temperatures are off the scale until about 40 minutes ago. The motors are either over-resistant, or the petals are physically welded shut."

Lydia unbuckled and floated over starboard to the Abbal's un-occupied station. She reached up above the console, pulled a panel cover off and cranked the handle inside until the petal outside creaked and shucked unsteadily open.

The others stopped what they were doing, unbuckled, and floated over to peer out.

A haze of tumbling, ashy grit was clearing, reflecting the cabin lights pouring out through the window. It was hard to see beyond it.

"Marta, kill the lights, please." asked Lydia, seeing that Marta was closest to that side of Malik's panel.

The cabin went dark, lit only by the red glow on Bracken's console, and the dull grey of the endless computer logs sprawled out on the others. Outside, the particles of grit lost their definition, and the crew waited for their eyes to adjust and see the stars...

...and they waited.

"We're not in intergalactic space, are we?!" Marta finally asked, incredulously.
Lukazj cleared his throat "No. What little sense I can make of the graviscan indicates that there are gravity-wells in the vicinity. We're in cluster of low-mass stars, I'd say - but the output is totally unreliable."

"What the fuck? ...You two, get back on the logs. I'll open the rest of these petals." Lydia commanded after another interminable silence.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Untitled Story part 3

The hum of the shower unit filled the living quarters. It's not like they were bothered by drinking one another's recycled, distilled bodily fluids anymore - they were all astronauts, it came with the territory... but something about Marta being in there, water spewing over her and powerful vaccuums sucking it out again, filling the distillation tanks with Malik's viscera, exceeded that tolerance.

The silence needed to be filled - and besides that, there were more pressing matters, cold as it was to think it, than the gruesome death of their Science lead. Their friend.

"Sitrep." She said steadily.

Lukazj pulled a tablet with a depth display off a velcro strip beside his cubby, and started tapping away.

"Well", he started, arching his eyebrows, "like you said, Navigation doesn't know where we are, there was a power surge from Fusion Reactor 1 - that's what blew that capacitor in the hallway, and the gravity lock went completely screwy when we had that acceleration anomaly."

She furrowed her brow. "The acceleration anomaly - what the hell happened there!? The Alcubierre drive shouldn't incur acceleration - we're supposed to be in our own little bubble of flat space-time - the G-Seats were a formality!"

"Well, Marta would be better able to speculate on this - she's the Warp theorist - I just point the ship where we want to go..." He was venturing something upbeat, some false modesty, but even before he'd finished, he had sagged under the non-literal gravity of the situation. The hum from the shower ceased, and the hiss of the fans took over. He continued.
"I figure the power surge from the reactor caused an uncontrolled assymetrical increase in warp field strength, which - sort of - tilted-" he inclined his tablet to illustrate "- the spacetime we occupy when the ship is in transit."

The fans shut off, and the shower door opened. Marta floated out of the cubicle mindlessly, completely nude.

Some part of Lydia felt a swell of pride that not a single lecherous thought had yet crossed her mind, because she does have *incredible - NO, dammit. NOT THE TIME. I mean shiiit, that wax-work skin - NO! You're a fucking professional, and a married fucking woman! while she mentally stamped on that thought, she caught a split second look on Lukazj's face that hinted at a similar process occuring in his own mind.

Seeing such wildly innapropriate thoughts mirrored in her second-in-command reassured her that it was just a stress reaction... Anything to not have to deal with the here and now, I guess...

Lukazj resumed - "That manifested as a g-force in the cabin of upwards of 15 or 16 G's. It's a miracle that any of us survived... halleluja G-seats, eh?"

Lydia looked to Marta, now gently rotating in a feotal position in the middle of the room, her head submerged in an undulating blossom of frizzy black hair. "Salinas, you agree with that assessment?"

The reply was slow to come - her eyes were fixed on the middle distance, not locking to the surroundings as she rolled. Bracken was about to ask again when she said simply said "Basically."

Lukazj reached into Marta's cubby and pulled out a blanket, floating over and wrapping her loosely in it.
"So then the capacitor blew... then what happened?"

Another pause, but she blinked and made eye contact with him.
"The surge accelerated us, and then the field went asymmetric - the computer would try to initiate a field collapse and drop us out of warp, but with the generator still surging, it couldn't do that - it dumped as much of the extra power as it could into the the capacitor and the batteries - but the batteries can't accept that much energy that quickly, so the charging relays are probably burned out, too."

"Fucking hell." Lydia cursed.

Marta was coming out of her shock to some extent - or at least, switching gears into shop-talk. Now she was looking at Lydia.
"Don't curse the damage - if the computer hadn't distributed the power away from that segment of the Q-ring, the spacetime torsion would have spaghettified us."

Lydia blanched at that. "So, if I'm reading you right - we must have jumped to a much higher warp factor than we wanted to be at? So we've probably over-shot our destination?"

"The surge must have subsided, and the computer was able to shut down NFR-1, and collapse the field, I guess. We could be somewhere between Earth and 438, or somewhere way beyond... if Navigation can't get a fix, then..." Marta looked down at her knees, suffused in the blanket.

Lukazj's brow had been crumpling gradually as the explanation went on. "I wonder why the reactor surged? None of the test ships - none of our supply drop ships, nothing powered by one of these units has ever had that occur..."

Marta's face became distant... "Not my field. They're Abbal's babies..." she doubled over again.

Lydia straightened "We need to find out where we are. Let's go open the blue-shade."

Part IV

Friday, 31 July 2015

Untitled Story part 2

Mind rapidly clearing, Lydia Bracken, Captain of the Starcraft Defiance, and Lukazj Woiczek, flight specialist - she kept rehearsing the things she could be sure she knew, and with each rehearsal, came more certainties - made their way down the central shaft of the ship towards the aft section, containing the Science Lab and the living quarters.

The drugs Lukazj had jabbed her with were doing wonders for her powers of concentration, and with each passing moment, and each mental affirmation of the things she thought she knew, the fabric of her reality was flattening out, where before it had seemed twisted, folded, and confused, like the core of a lettuce.

They passed a dented access panel, evidently blown out of place by an exploding capacitor in the Fusion reactor output regulator cabinet. The panel gently tumbled, showing a scorched "#3".

Other pieces of dented and smashed debris tumbled around the shaft, dissipating kinetic energy even now, a good hour after the power surge had instigated the uncontrolled acceleration.

The hatch to the aft section had been sealed for transit, but it took what seemed like a herculean effort from both of them to open it. It was dented and dinged by the impact of pretty much all the detritus they had just passed.

Finally, it hissed, the pressures equalised - that in itself was a relief, she had begun to fear what they might find on the other side - but at least it was still pressurised. Lukazj hauled the door open on its battered hinges.

Salinas came barelling out of the lab door, puddles of tears welled around her deep brown eyes, and blood on her hands and torso.

"¡Dios mio! Oh thank heavens you two are ok!" She plowed into Lydia, smothering her in a hug, smearing the back of her flightsuit with the grime on her hands. Lydia had to hold onto the hatch frame to avoid tumbling back up the shaft.

Clinging to Lydia, right up in her ear, Marta Salinas sobbed "Malik just..." she slurped a messy intake of breath and whimpered.

Bracken wilted. "No, oh gods, no."

Lukazj pulled himself through the hatch, and glided to the rim of the Lab door.
He just whispered "Jesus fuck.", and silently closed his eyes.

With Marta insensate, weeping, clinging to her like a baby chimpanzee, Lydia peered over his shoulder.

Malik Abbal, Science lead, had met a similar fate to the aft console back in the cockpit - he'd taken an impactor to the stomach, and burst like a water balloon. The shock had torn his G-seat off its bearing, and had evidently sent him bouncing around the cabin like the debris in the central shaft. He was covered in lacerations, blood still bubbling out of most of them... but he had, somehow it seemed, lived until only a few moments ago.

The scene was outlandish, parts of Malik's digestive tract hanging out of him, pieces of him adhering to the walls, the whole lab smashed asunder by the bouncing of him in his chair. Marta's seat spattered on one side, but otherwise undamaged.

Lydia reached in and closed the door. She couldn't keep seeing that. She looked at Lukazj's ghostly face.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up."

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Untitled Story part 1

What the hell is that?, Bracken wondered as she blinked to clear her vision. The mess of coloured lights were a watery blur. As she tried to get her bearings, she realised her left temple ached, and she was not entirely sure where she was or what was going on - just the sense that she did know, and that that was important, but no specifics were forthcoming.

She pawed at her face, noticing when her hand was close enough to her face to focus on with some reliance despite the incessant wheeling of her surroundings, that it was gloved.


She registered the pressure across her torso.


Her gloved hand came away from her face dappled with dark spots where the fabric had absorbed beads of perspiration - and one larger red wine blotch... her temple.

Gloves., she thought again, Harness.


The logical dominoes fell, and bolstered up the disarrayed structure of her memory.


The WHEEP WHEEP WHEEP continued.

Master Alarm!

With enough of her wherewithal restored, she blinked again to crush out the blurriness in her vision. The control console was wheeling around her and bobbing back up repeatedly, but she could make out the flashing red text in the centre screen.
She realised that it wasn't the cabin that was spinning, but her eyes - fighting some illusory spin that was not actually ocurring... this must have been a hard knock on the head... as she concentrated to overcome it, the throbbing pain in her temple flared in objection, and she spotted globules of undulating blood floating between her and the next seat.

The figure in the next seat was not moving...

Lukazj. Flight specialist Lukazj.
She assured herself he was just unconscious, and, shaken into some state of autonomic alertness, she robotically tapped the panel in front of her to mute the Master Alarm, and call up the sitrep.
MET17d6h11m23s : MASTER ALARM triggered.  
                 CONDITION(S) VIOLATED:  
MET17d6h11m23s : 'voltage limit - NFR1 Output #3'
MET17d6h11m24s : 'cabin g-limit'  
MET17d6h11m26s : 'graviscan fix invalid'  
MET17d6h11m32s : 'EET calculation mismatch'

Eyes wide, she glanced at the Mission-Elapsed Time clock.
For reliablility, it was mechanical, setting it apart from the myriad smooth touchscreen and depth displays that surrounded the forward viewports.

Below it was the Earth-Elapsed Time clock, also mechanical - but the numbers printed on its rollers were nonsensical, scuffed and smeared, as if from being scrubbed too hard or rubbed against something - and the right-most roller appeared to have been friction-welded to its faceplate, the perspex fronting showing signs of heat-degradation. There were thin wisps of smoke inside the unit, floating disorganised in the microgravity.
Bracken unbuckled her harness with only slight difficulty, confusion and alarm overcoming the pain and disorientation as her primary concerns.
Grateful for the lack of gravity - in her condition, she would surely have crumpled to the ground under any significant g-load - she gently floated over to Lukazj, and gripped his shoulders to steady herself. With relief, she noticed his eyelids undulating in REM sleep.

"Lukazj." she croaked. Her throat was bruised... when she thought about it, her everything felt bruised. Lukazj had blotches across his face, minor sub-dermal haemorrhaging.
She cleared her throat uncomfortably.
"Specialist Woiczek." she mumbled, wobbling his slack shoulders. "Wake up."
His face furrowed, and he started to groan.

She looked past him, surveying the cabin. There was a vivid, energetic spew of red painted in an arc across the rear bulkhead, and a ceiling-mounted touch panel appeared to have been shorn in two by an object embedded in one of the rear status panels - bent and fritzing from the impact.
The pain in her head and the blood on her glove accounted for the red, and the object in the rear and the sitrep's "g-limit" warning accounted for the pain in her head (and everywhere else).

She squinted to focus her still-bleary vision on the object embedded in the rear wall. She could make out the blood adorning one corner, and the text on the cover - "flight manual". What kind of g-force could plunge a navigation textbook through an inconel alloy console mount?!

The two other crew seats were empty - Salinas and Abbal would have been in the lab. Strange, how easily some thoughts came.

The blood stain put her priorities in order, and she clamped a hand against her head, looking around for the first-aid box.

Floating over to it, she caught her reflection in its cover, and lifted her soaked glove - there it was, a small, deep, triangular gouge in her left temple, visible in a collapsed shell of a bubble cragged with semi-coagulated blood, held to the wound by surface tension until her glove had crushed it, now refilling in its absence - a glowing globe of crimson, undulating with movement and her pulse. It tickled.
The hard cover of the manual must have caught her with a corner while the g's were still building. Her hair behind the wound was streaked with an arrow-straight course of browning dried blood.

Everywhere there was such evidence of absurd acceleration.

As she removed the necessary items from the box, she struggled past the fog in her mind and the ache in her skull to recall what had happened.

It was like recovering lost data from a corrupted drive - unrelated, disordered images - Alice kissing her on their fourth anniversary; tumbling out of control during basic; Garibaldi, their retreiver; The Tomatina with Marta; A dark circle rimmed by piercing blue light; Lukazj giggling like a schoolgirl at the Paris taxi-driver story during the Neptune-assist;

And there it was. She had just applied the coagulant spray to the wound when something about the pressure and the spume of misty particles through the light tripped some vaguely related strand of memory.

Kepler 438.

Not the star system, nor the mental image, nor the tantalizing spectral analysis, nor even the words - but just the concept, the goal, the crushing but exultant purpose that had hung over everything for the last 12 years of her life.

She was momentarily stunned by the vagaries of human consciousness. Its unbounding complexity, but also its comical capacity for derailment. How the hell could she lose track of 438?!


Her name in Lukazj's groggy Baltic voice shook her to an embarrassing degree.

"What happened?" He was unbuckling his harness.

"I, um..." she struggled to word some response, spinning awkwardly with the inertia imparted by her involuntary jerk at hearing the voice.
Hands full, she couldn't steady herself. Head full, she didn't think to try. You're the Captain, Lydia, say something.

"Fuck, are you alright?!" he piqued, spotting the partially-patched gore as the left side of her head spun into view.

"I'm, eh..." The captain, dammit! "We need to check on the others." she stated, mustering as much dignity as she could, and every ounce of situational awareness she had, to make that command.

"First thing's first- let's get you patched up, let me help." Lukazj placed a hand on her to halt her pathetic pirrouetting, and smiled that half-smile of his.

Part II

Monday, 27 July 2015

Captain's Blog, Stardate 1.0

Captain's Blog, Stardate 1.0


I believe I said something about it being unlikely that I'd post anything anytime soon. Or... maybe I didn't word it like that... this is a computer - I could go check with some minor hand motions. If I didn't, that would indicate that I am very lazy.

So anyway, yeah, It's been a while.

To be honest, I haven't been completely committed to this laziness thing.

My real life has been uncharacteristically busy.
I took a holiday for pleasure that didn't involve my family at all. I am slowly preparing to move house.

SpaceX had a very public rocket failure literally moments after I got off the plane home from my holiday, which thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I was able to gape slack-jawed and traumatised at live in the arrivals hall of the airport via my phone. So that'll probably figure into an article at some point.

Blog-side, I've been doing various ill-coordinated things behind the scenes, such as collating my prior writings from Reddit on various topics, and actually writing creatively (that's what you say when you never finish anything, because saying "I write stories" implies that they are complete) fairly often.

I also have a partially-written article on the TV show Community, which just wrapped its 6th season in a pretty unique way, or rather, had just wrapped when I started the article. That might appear some time.

But yeah, I haven't been too committed to those, either. It's like me and laziness have this comfortable, open relationship, and I have the occasional casual fling with productiveness that rarely goes anywhere.

But I suppose I'll start publishing things here.

I think you can time your releases, so since I have this story I've been sitting on - inspired by a prompt from the excellent does-what-it-says-on-the-tin subReddit /r/WritingPrompts back in January - and I have... some pages... written, I'll start dribbling it out here every few days for whatever reason.

Enjoy, whoever you are!

And you, who wants the EMdrive article... I don't want to do an injustice to what is an evolving situation, so... it'll just take a bit of a surge of confidence some day to tackle that beast. Hopefully that's some day soon.

Right. I've run out of things to say. Stop error-checking this, Destructor. Hit the publish button before you start insulting yourself, you idi- shit.

Thursday, 4 June 2015


Hello, World!

By eclectic demand (that is, demand from several sources - not just people) I'm launching a Blog. A Bliggety-blog.

As the site's name suggests, this will be a gathering point for whatever Seeps out of my Mind. Topics will include, but will not be limited to:

  • Space Exploration -
    • SpaceX (SpaceX, SpaceX, SpaceX!)
    • The wider commercial space industry
    • Mars (or wherever) colonisation
    • Astronomy, Planetary Science & Astrophysics (from the enthused layman's perspective)
    • Cutting-edge tech development (like the work of the Eagleworks lab at NASA Johnson)
    • Futurism
    • Starry-eyed wonder
  • Star Trek
  • Other TV shows and movies like:
    • Community
    • Adventure Time
    • Breaking Bad
    • Battlestar Galactica
    • Stargate 
    • Etcetera...
  •  The few computer games/sims that still hold my attention (or can be played on my machine)
  •  Etcetera...
I make no promises to keep this up-to-date, or even to ever post another update after this one.

Full disclosure: 

For now, much of what I post here is likely to be rehashed old posts of mine on Reddit.
In part, I'm doing that because I think I write best when I'm answering questions about topics I feel like I have a handle on - but I'm also doing it because I've written reams and reams of stuff that I'm somewhat proud of, stuff I wouldn't mind having more people read... and of course, I'm trying to conquer years of 'inactivity' and anxiety by capping off a hole in my CV, and hopefully doing a little professional writing off the back of this blog... for... like... money!

So this thing exists for a number of reasons... part Destructor's Greatest Hits, part Destructor's Super-Serious Professional Portfolio, part Destructo-Journal, and part Destructor's Trippy Witterings.

Hopefully, this rubs people the right way.

Strap in, and let's (maybe) go!